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Happy Mothers day to those that Mother others.

May is Foster Care Awareness month, seems appropriate right since we also celebrate Mothers in May. For a lot of children, Mothers day is hard because they are in foster care. Not by their choice. In Georgia there are about 14,000 children in care and when you start reading the statistics of teens in foster care, and those that age out and where they end up... it's disturbing. Teens are hard to place in foster homes, most end up in group homes, yes tough places.

Can you imagine at 18, no family and being kicked out of the system? I was asking around about this topic and someone mentioned Connection Homes to me, you can read all the information about what they are doing on their website So thanks to "Ricky Bobby", yes that is the cute lil fur babies name and to a few other fur babies and critters, together we have given back to Connection Homes.

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